Mary's Scene
The wonder drew from near and far
Kings and shepherds toward a star.
“A Savior is born, ‘tis Christ the Lord!”
So many wonders I treasured and stored.
I knew at last the Messiah had come
Yet here, in Bethlehem lies God’s Son?
Is this the atonement, the Lamb to be slain?
Through one sacrifice, the world to be gained?
I weep for joy, I weep for grief.
Salvation’s story: bittersweet.
I hope, I dream to one day glean
The fullness of my manger scene.
Such wonders roam beyond my mind.
Celestial truths are of this kind
Which far exceed my worthiness.
I scarce can plumb such blessedness.
A gift of Love, yet some shall scorn
This child with deity adorned.
With thankful hymns, I’ll bid “good night”
And bathe my king with tears tonight.