May I Go To Heaven To Get Inn
May I Go To Heaven To Get Inn
The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
There has to be a last man in line.
Old soldiers never fade away they die.
And always on the battlefield they cry,"Away With Him".
Take him to Golgotha , and email him to the CROSS.
Find a way to Heaven that will add them to the loss
of all they riches.
I like fishes , kisses aer mye riches,
I love flowers after dark,
and painful memories , pulling at my heart.
I like newly formed love , coming down to me
from a woman made of love.
I will be the last man Inn.
Peace is what I`m after , Will I be too wealthy to get in?
I will have the whole world and I may have the whole world,
I may have the whole world but I may not keep the whole world.
I will lose the whole world when Reality comes screaming from the Sky.
We leave this world with the same things we had when we did enter it.
Our Love and Someday Smile.