May Lilacs Linger Everlastingly
May lilacs linger everlastingly
in dreams he dreams of me. Whenever he,
by chance, is in a pitch black room alone,
may he recall the scent of my cologne.
As long as I can write sweet poetry,
may lilacs linger everlastingly.
May he recall our love song slowly playing;
how we danced, pressed together, swaying.
And may he still remember my warm breath
against his cheek. Beyond his very death,
may lilacs linger everlastingly
the same way he stays in my memory.
Oh, may he not forget - when shadows fall -
our kisses in the dark. We had it all!
My darling man, may he remember me.
May lilacs linger everlastingly
written Dec. 31, 2015
Now For the For the Best Love Poem #4 Poetry Contest of PD