May We Love God As Job Did
May We Love God As Job Did…
Job was a man of God who was very wise.
He made a covenant before God with his eyes.
He vowed not to look at things would cause him to sin.
This is where he received victory
and peace within!
He lived a blameless life before God almighty.
He served God well beyond the age of ninety!
Much of what he loved or owned was taken away.
He refused to curse or blame God
in whatever he’d say!
He had his “friends.” He had his own “crowd.”
“Curse and blame God!” They shouted out loud!
Not once did he attempt to bring God shame.
But instead worshipped and blessed HIS name!
God blessed and gave him more than he had before!
The blessings of God reached beyond his door!
An incredible testimony of faith he was able to share!
A great man of God, he was to people everywhere!
Do you have a testimony to share like Job did?
Have you surrendered all to Christ in how you live?
During the many adversities in life that abound…
May God’s peace and love in our hearts be found!
May God be pleased with the way we’ve been living...
In our hearts, may we have
his love and thanksgiving!
May we have a heart of holiness as job did so long ago…
Allowing God to bring peace
and fulfillment to our soul!
May our hearts desire to seek after God’s holy ways…
In everything we do, may we bring
him honor and praise!
By Jim Pemberton