May We Seek Godly Wisdom
“The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
This is an important part
of God’s kingdom!
Seeking Godly wisdom is what we must do…
If we’re going to live how God wants us to!
God’s wisdom is filled with love and purity!
Man’s “wisdom” is but
“meaningless vanity!”
Fearing the Lord and seeking his ways…
Will strengthen us and brighten our days!
God is wise and gives the best choices…
We must listen to HIM. Not other voices!
His wisdom brings hope when all seems lost!
We must lay our worries at the foot of the cross!
Obeying his instructions is very smart and wise!
It helps us not to do what seems good to our eyes!
God’s wisdom brings comfort and much gladness!
It will guard your life with his true happiness!
Won’t you seek his wisdom
in all you endeavor?
His blessings will follow you
today and forever!
By Jim Pemberton