May We Speak the Goodness of God
May We Speak the Goodness of God!
I heard a Christian speak... Oh, the kinds of words he was using!
Perhaps, to him, it was “entertaining and amusing.”
I couldn’t believe the profanity and cursing that came out!
Is this what the purpose of our life is all about?
The bible says; “we speak out of the abundance of our heart.”
We need to think of what we say! Before we start!
God knows that many of us stumble along the way.
We have said things that later, we knew, we shouldn’t say!
If we’re going to continually speak ungodly things.
We need to think about what, to our life,
this really brings!
Think about the influence, we have on our kids!
They listen to what we speak! And how we live!
May the Holy Spirit bring power and conviction!
And help us to say that which brings edification!
May the word of God enrich our body and soul!
May it help us speak that which is good,
honorable and whole!
May we seek to daily bring honor to Jesus! In what we do!
May this be a commitment both for me and you!
Jesus is worthy of our lips, bringing him glory and praise!
Let’s seek to bless him! During our remaining days!
Please Jesus, anoint our tongues
with your cleansing fire!
May we speak the things of God,
as our passion and desire!
By Jim Pemberton