Maybe I can see myself written in
His Word,
Maybe my story can be on the very pages
of his heart.
But my story seems so unworthy,
to be listed among one so great.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
how can my story be significant?
But there it is my story, my journey.
How honored I feel knowing that he too
had to walk away from loved ones,
that he too, was not always received well,
that he too was often misunderstood.
That he kept going because he got his
strength from His Father, and that kept
him going.
Maybe my walk isn't so lonely after all,
maybe my journey isn't that bad,
maybe the things I've been through can't
even compare, maybe.
When my story became his story. When my
dreams became His dreams
When my destiny all of a sudden became
His too.
They say when you spend a lot of time affixed on something, then you become that which you are affixed on.
Maybe that has happened to me.
I no longer see my story on His pages,
because my story is His story, and
that story has become our story.
Written on the pages of His heart is
our journey and we are heading
That day could be today, maybe.