Love Poem: Maybe - POTD
Victor Buhagiar Avatar
Written by: Victor Buhagiar

Maybe - POTD

Maybe I was too terse with my replies,
     But that was the way I was made.
     I have no fervour to apologise.

Maybe I should have dated you so much more,
     Heck, could a leopard change its spots?
     I always was like that.

Maybe I should have whispered sweet nothings,
     Like I love you dear, my sweet.
     But that was not actually me.

Maybe I should have kissed you more,
     But mine were just mere pecks,
     Like hens kissing each other.

Maybe I should phone you immediately
     But that would be surrendering to my faults.
     Yet I was not an arrogant man.

Maybe that was her ringing my doorbell,
     I opened the door for her.
     Tears streaming down her cheeks.

Maybe a moonlight shone from outside
     And blinded me, so I hugged her.
     Our kiss on the lips lasted so long.

There is no maybe now or ever, for we 
     Will plight our vows with love