Belonging in the midst of mayhem,
Once a comfortable place to be,
Standing at the edge of the world,
Staring at the stormy sea;
Falling for a love thought eternal,
Spinning like a leaf in a stream,
Adrift in a turbulent snowstorm,
Hanging on by a thread in a dream.
Borne up in the eye of a twister,
In a silent and cold reverie,
Chilled out in the back of a tow truck,
Skies caving in endlessly;
Seeking for a love thought forever,
Searching as a wandering soul,
Broke like a splinter of driftwood,
Emotions hurled out of control.
Drowning in the midst of mayhem,
The silence of corpses in graves
Hammers a deafening quiet
Chaos and drama enslaves;
Craving for a love thought enduring,
Flying in the face of regret,
Clinging like ivy to brickwork
For anarchy beckons me yet.