Love Poem: Maze
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh


Traipsing along on old dirt paths
Struggling to avoid garden wraths
Within the maze of sinuous limbs
Whispering like soft, gentle hymns

Twisting, turning, yearning for love
Lost amid blush roses sent from above
A puzzle of joys in the green branches
Covering the heart of heavenly ranches

Homespun joys sing from the bushes
Brilliant, bold colors of crimson pushes
Touching my spirit with tendrils of leaves
Caressing a wall of blooms that relieves

Trapped by the swaying of euphoric breezes
Softly enfolding my heart’s hope so it pleases

Maze - 10 Word Challenge Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: A Dear Heart
June 22, 2020