Mean Economists 404
This course will encourage aspiring cooperative economists
to distinguish between mean national incomes
and global median incomes,
with diverse long-term capital growth/evaporation trends
imagine USA mean income, including investment income,
could approach $500,000 for two-parent working households
per year.
Are you kidding me?
Where do you come up with those numbers?
And that many full-time working two-parent households?
Out of my mean Republican National Party imagination.
If you imagine
as many households with earned and investment income
of $1,000,000 per year
as there are destitute households
with $0 earned/investment income,
and the remainder of us lie
evenly along straight
or even bell-curved symmetrical lines
between $0 and $1,000,000,
then USA mean annual household income
could be imagined as $500,000 per two-parent household.
Well, maybe...OK,
for the sake of this thought experiment.
So what does that have to do with the price of carrots?
Cost of living,
with or without carrots,
is more of a Democratic National Party issue
where we turn to how trickle down capital acquisition and flow patterns,
including reinvesting and relocating in cheaper labor-saving areas,
are more depressingly influenced by median income,
as compared to this more mean-spirited average US two-parent income.
In other words,
when Republicans imagine which economic policies
are within their realm of self interest,
they imagine themselves at least average,
or above, even better,
so when candidates promise lower taxes
and deregulating fees
for business and farm and patriotic industries
of all good two-heterosexual parent families,
Republican voters imagine such candidates
speak also of and for them
because they see their incoming as at least potentially
within responsible sight of this average earned
and investment returned
and preferably above all those unwashed immigrant indigent others.
the Democratic National Party,
in its most globally liberating green best center,
speaks not of mean economic incomes,
but of the growing and depressing distance
between average national income
and shrinking median global income.
That's the most popular number, right?
Like if more households bring in $30,000 per year,
than $29,000 or below
or $31,000 or above,
on a scale from $0 to increasingly astronomical,
then the median would remain $30,000.
But, the average could be lower or higher,
depending on whether there are greater positive deviations from the median
or more totally disintegrating deviations
down toward zero-sum,
you lose everything,
go directly to jail,
do not even think about passing through Go again.
So if you are a median democratic global economist
you are noticing
as the number of billionaires goes up,
the gap between average income and median income grows
in an alarmingly unhealthy direction,
the opposite of erection,
or even self-with-other regeneration.
If this growing great transitional divide
between our really big winners
and our truly transient and hopelessly non-transcendent
is trending in this politically depressing uneven direction,
why is that?
Because competition-rooted WinLose zero-sum Capitalism
follows successful acquisition of capital
to breed further disproportionate acquisition of capital.
Cooperative-owned and self-matriculating WinWin
trickle down and out
to equilaterally trickle up and in
to re-trickle down and out
requires a bilateral WinWin
self and other regenerative equivalent balance co-intention
more typical of a matriarchal mentoring nutritional cooperative network
than a patriarchal mean economist
wanna-be an effective open market
mutually free to monoculturally overpower the hapless competition
Well I was taught
if you don't want to share your toys
you should never have brought them into the sandbox.
That sounds like global median ecopolitical enculturation.
I was taught
if somebody tries to borrow your toys,
hit back.
More of a sandbox bully anti-culturation.
Imagine how this capitalist sandbox must look
to a hungry and thirsty adolescent survivor
living in one of Earth's growing ecopolitical deserts,
watching further climate pathologies
unfold across hopeless skies
and swelling tsunamic oceans.
I thought this was Mean Economics 404.
Yes, but it sounds more hopeful
as Cooperative Median Economics 101.