Meaning of Life
People surround until they stop expecting……...the upright stands alone…an intelligent walks alone……moral and ethics struggle to prove themselves right……friends and relatives are born disguised competitors…smiling faces burn inside……money is all that allures, attracts, builds and shreds!
The purpose of living has some how changed. Sadly love, need, relations and satisfaction just have one synonym and we call it ‘Money’!
Just opened my eyes and looked around.
To see relations and loved ones surround.
Warmth and love galore a protective enshroud.
To the relations _ my treasures I bowed.
Powered emotions hazed out the vividness to decode.
Seeking requite bleeds as most excruciating pain to hound?
Smiling faces, comforting gestures confound.
Meaning of life, someday somebody may expound.
Altruistic and empathizing hands of those who smilingly crowned.
Laughs and gags of illusive friends abound.
Sinking heart still eager as sleuth – hound.
Ability to serve the greed _ monetary worth redounds.
Disquiet feelings are profound.
Greed is love and money impounds.
Magic of money is spell bound.
Meaning of life astounds.
Sleuth – hound: an eager investigator
Altruistic – unselfish
Astound – Surprise
Impound – Seize and take legal custody
Profound – Very great or intense.
Redound - Contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honour)
Hound – Scare
Abound – Exist in large number
Expound - Present and explain (a theory or idea) in detail.
Confound - Cause confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.
Enshroud – Envelop completely and hide from view.
Disquiet - A feeling of worry or unease