Meeting Love
Once, as I sat on a lush green lawn, swirled around my head
Hundreds of butterflies, having come out of nowhere!
They each took a piece of my clothes in their tiny mouths
And led me to where Love resides!
There, they lowered me on the floor
And I, overwhelmed by the radiance of Love,
Kept my eyes and my mouth solidly closed
But then Love touched me with its radiance
And I unclenched my tight fists
Love touched me and soon filled me up
Love conquered every nook and crook of my body
Love merged with my being till we became one!
I opened my eyes and let the sight of Love
Open the wings of my heart to cause my chest
To swell, for it started flying around in frenzy!
I opened my mouth and told Love
All this time, I've lived only for this moment
You are all the poems that fill the pages of my books
You are the hope that kept me going when the illusion of life
Gave the impression that it was mightier!
And Love merely said,
"I know, now, we shall remain lost
In the moment of our union
For as long as existence shall be!"