Love Poem: Megan Image
Vee Bdosa Avatar
Written by: Vee Bdosa

Megan Image

It stops my heart sometimes,
just seeing you or knowing you are near,
or somewhere else I've never been,
part of the past but never far from here.
Deep in your eyes where there's no end to see,
I lose myself to life's great tragedy
and you've become my very greatest fear.
Your photograph's forever part of me
and has become the last thing mind will ever see.
       ©  ron wilson aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet
You can see the photograph on my Ron Wilson Facebook page.

I was asked by a couple of girls what I think the best poem I have ever written is, and I could not give them an answer...then they asked me what is my personal favorite I have ever written. That was a simple and very fast answer... This is it, MEGAN IMAGE, and it started all of the serious poetry writing that continues to this day.