Meloncolly Baby
Meloncolly Baby
MeloncollY Baby
Homesickness threatens me what with the World Wide Web at my fingertips
Eye just smurfed a place that used to be my home before the SATAN came
The place looks just the same as it ever was eye used to walk those streets
Eye used to live those streets and almost eye was thrown away in that place.
The bricks inside that building will all decay and fill a hole of great despair
The entire city needs to burn to be destroyed to get the edges of the sword
Eye cannot believe the sun is still ashining on the Stalingrad's hill. The place of
vengeance of the scorpions the place of the passing of my shadow the sight of
places eye remember has made me loose has made me useless.
Eye remember far too much comeuppances hate has ruled their daytime lives.
The city built of MAN will face the Judgment of its GOD and now the sins of this
one man have been forgiven him. We only live until we die.
No, eye am not proud to be American or proud to have no home eye am not
proud of anything that eye have done just glad to be away from that Queer City of
the sun. Homesick not. Homeless in America Homeless but eye won.