Love Poem: Melting seduction

Melting seduction

Her melting seduction, breath runs out of my lungs, this dungeon on my body grips tighter, yet I'm still nearing to her finer reflection.., 

Glare in her face keep trapping my courage to confront her, I look, but still come back with tattered emotions.., 

she creates so much iniquities to my sanity. One glance in her eyes, in this maze of her beauty, constantly return with drained batteries of my emotional and mental gps, leaving me wondering in the wilderness of her pulchritudeousness...

Wonder if her heart poses so pure and innocent  as her smile, Troubled is my soul and mind, when fear keep piling wonders in place of confidence...

in my dreams I'm man, but her presence turns me into a lad, how hard I try to stand firm  but my knees fails my strength, I need special ingredients of courage, mine, she had long exhausted