Love Poem: Memories
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Written by: Robyn Blauw


The memories of John
All came back to me
Just last night when I was having tea

A childhood trust
As sweet as can be
So very young
His love was my key.

My parents where angry
But I didn’t care
I defied them all
And kept seeing him there.

I hid him downstairs
With no-one around
I believed all he told me
Why wouldn’t I have?

My parents and siblings
They all cut me out
Wouldn’t talk to me
I wanted to shout!!

They wanted John out, 
Right out of my life
What they didn’t know 
In my lonely plight

I needed him then
More than ever before
To fill that dark hole
That they didn’t explore

My friends thought him too old
When they did meet
But I didn’t care
I wanted to be 

But then came a time
When all of that changed
His stories became lies
And nothing was the same

The cops came told me
Of crimes in the past
A murder committed
His girlfriend on ice

I wanted it over
But then came the threats
My life he endangered
With talk of my death

I was so terribly frightened
I was only thirteen
I had so much going on
He was thirty three.

He pleaded and begged me
And threatened me some more
But it was over I knew
The trust was no more.

My parents they hid me 
Twelve months as I speak
I worked as a nanny
To pay for my keep.

I look back there now
And wonder at me
Did I really do that
I’m meek as can be