Love Poem: Memories of Another Time
Tom Bell Avatar
Written by: Tom Bell

Memories of Another Time

Years P.M. (Pre-MacDonald's).
Woolworths.  Huge chain.  (Chains break with age.)
Elevated trains.  All over New York.
Five and Dimes.  That was what you paid.
Ceaserian birth.  In Rome?
10 cent comic books.
10 cent ice cream cones with sprinkles.
Big finned cars.
No such thing as a Pizzeria.  Only certain taverns.  Delivery?  You nuts?
Butcher shops. Merkel Meats, etc.
Divorce?  Who?
Dirt sidewalks in Queens.
No such thing as a driveway.
Tab cola (ugh!)
Old 7 oz. Coke bottles.  Never tasted the same after.

Personal memories- My two cousins and I clad the entire basement in aluminum 
foil- to make a "ice-cave" jam stage.  Lots'a money, lots of hours.
Coal furnaces.  Pot belly stove in kitchen.
Family, seemingly demented, all piling in car to park right behind an Idlewild 
runway take-off spot.  Oh, the ears!
Jet crash at idlewild- we wound up driving through the debris field.  Awful.
The 15 year old girl next door stabbed 7 times in her bed mid night.  Who?
The first color tv sets early 60's- 2 choices, green tinted or purple tinted.
Saddly, this had to be butchered cause it ran too long..will be reworked another 
Queen For a Day.  How pathetic!
Mickey Mouse Club.
Daniel boone coonskin caps.
Huge pool table in basement- played daily for years.
1956 chevy family sedan my Dad put a "Flattery" sign name on.  Often asked, 
why?  Cause "Flattery will get you nowhere!" he'd quip.
Tools his favorite gift.
The wonders of Christmas, Thanksgiving, 6 o'clock family diners every night.  
Always with mashed potatoes. (50 pound bag in pantry)- livin cheap.
My Dad never made $200 a week in salary- all his life.  Lived on delivery tips and 
his wits (reselling take-away appliances when he delivered). 
We never had to pay for appliances because of his job.
Warm family love- unbroken- never a parent argument.  Never.
No heat upstairs in our kid's bedrooms.
What's a shower?  Old claw legged porcelain tub.
A 5 flowered vine livinroom chandelier of brass.  worth a fortune now, if owned.
Sliding paneled doors.
Running to greet my dad when he got home each night during "Popeye".
Fried Liver.  UGH!!
A childhood of pure wonder!!
Oh if all today's kids could be so lucky!!