Memory of An Angel
I was sitting here thinking of all I used to do,
when thoughts came to mind of beautiful memories of you.
Their are so many memories it took awhile to see of how
many memories you created just for me.
Now,I know you have heard their are Angels among us,
so hear my words true.
"I know this is real for I found my Angel in you."
Their are many Angels around us to help us though each day,
then their are Angels like you that lead and show the way.
So as I sit here thinking of memories from my past,
I can truely say theses will forever last.
And since you are my Angel and did more than your share,
if I go before you I'll say a prayer.
I'll ask the Lord to bless you in ways you never knew,
I'll ask for theses blessings for all I put you though.
Now! since I can't repay you in any other way,
please accept this poem I wrote for you today.