Memory of You
Memory of you
Memory of you from long past,
Still haunting and fooling my heart,
Pulling me apart from my soul,
Role playing of aching pain and joy,
It toils at the weakness of my mind...
Tearing me to bits and pieces,
Just to ease the pains, when I was,
Thinking of how you gazed and smiled,
Those wild and loving eyes, sparkling..
Tinkling and touched at my inner soul,
I felt helpless with your warm inviting,
Invigorating and sizzling kisses...on my lips.
But you, you who did not care,
As you are so beautiful, full of life,
How I might have loved you more,
How I might have shared and stayed,
Longer than then ... as I did... before.
But as we both learned even more,
Love lost is painful and aching to the core,
It didn't matter as well as of now,
How, if I loved you more or,
If I loved you a lot less,
It was the best that we could and did......
That each of us walking forward... and apart...
....Towards and on our own journey's ways.....
Dedicated to all the lost dreams and lost loves ........
Jieranai Maier
Summer 2001 & 2004