Men of a Certain Age
A little gray on the sides
A little hanging over the line
Still all in all a catch
For somebody passing by
The theory of one’s sex appeal
Disappearing over time
Just a myth and not theory
Just like a fine wine
With age there comes true beauty
Other ideas shot to hell
For men of a certain age
Can carry it very well
So, okay some parts may stiffen
While there are others that do not
Gives no right to toss aside
Giving up the game they’ve got
With each year that draws us closer
To the day of final breath
Brings a great advantage
An experience you won’t forget
Bringing all the knowledge
To the table presented there
You’ll find a man with great respect
All others will fail to compare
So remember when you’re out there
Looking for a great romance
You can find it with a man
Who has lived the world and danced
With age indeed comes knowledge
And experience, mark my word
Combine these two together
Can really rock your world