Mercy Shall Come
I am a stranger here.. in this world today
My Life here can end... in any given way
Each day is a gift... giving all a chance to take
To become Born-again... Free from our sins
Yes... we all still have sin... and sometimes we stray
But if we confess to our Lord... our sins right away
Asking for Forgiveness... Mercy shall come
Being sincere in your heart... darkness is overcome
Mercy came... in through the night
Praise the Lord... cleansing in God's Light
God has lifted up... my soul
Praise the Lord... for He restored me whole
For out of the Darkness... Gods' Love was Shed
Giving us all... Daily Bread
Gods' Grace is given... Through Jesus Christ
God's Holy Word... Receive Eternal life
For Out of Gods' Love... though Jesus.. we-I was bought
In darkness... His Light... I sought
For out of His Love... Mercy was shown
His Love is given... can call our own
Jesus Saved us... I must confess
Praise the Lord... for we are so Blessed
Miraculously... His Divine Gift... is given Free
All a person needs to do... Is Believe
Praise the Lord... Salvation we can receive
Gift is given through our Majestic King
Ask Jesus Our Divine Christ
Mercy Shall come... give you Gods' Eternal Light
~Come to Jesus... and be Receive Salvation~