Mess Around With You Part 2
All I want to do is mess around with you... my body is calling out and I know I must answer it
soon. It won't be able to keep constantly ignoring this feeling. A good girl is a good girl and right
now I have no business labeling myself something like that when I want to mess around with
you. Your fresh to death with playerness faness and I want to caress your chest for a second or
maybe longer. I want to experience things underneath my jeans and I heard that you are
experienced in these things. But this is me were talking about... hermoines are raging and i'm
about to go go go jump on a pole and swing down the toosie roll nice and slow. I know that might
sound erotic to some people but don't get too shocked I havn't done anything worth talking about
at least not yet. I want to mess around with you and I know i've said this before but the room is
getting hot and everytime I see you I get this desprate feeling inside like I'm missing the world. I
just want to mess around is that such a crime? Give me a break and call it a night, throw some
water on me and blow out this fire before I do something stupid.