Realisation is the change and not any physical,
evolution has pushed us way up past the primates,
no need for wings to grow or patterns to appear,
the inner self is the one that perceives and absorbs,
truth lay around us from eternal times before galaxies,
earth is merely the platform for our journeys,
self is an infant that stares in wide eyed amazement,
slowly like water onto lime rocks, wisdom seeps in,
Realisation is the change, body yields to age,
self is aware increasingly of the reality of purpose,
the curiosities of love and romance are soon settled,
the challenges of a life driven by want, understood,
wealth is a paper bag of unwanted burdens,
desire is a hunger that keeps us tethered to objects,
Realisation is the change, as the mist of mystery lifts,
the glow of wisdom lights up things for what they are,
there is calmness in this vision, there is peace,
when what is precious shifts from material,
to values that are more sublime, intangible,
when the self is no longer an ego with an identity,
but a speck in the vastness of the entirety of truth,
real change has come.
with that change, with that realisation,
our metamorphosis is complete!
we seek nothing, we crave nothing,
silence, calmness, peace of existence,
existence that is eternal-
we are no longer physical!