He was a gentle giant
Big with a bigger heart
He had a difficult ailment
Alcohol and drugs in part
He gave his shirt off his back
With a unconditional love
Without leaving out a fact
He told stories sent from above
His hug was like being embraced
By someone who knows your deepest pains
He would hold you until he had erased
Any feelings of discouragement or chains
When he looked into your eyes
You felt sure he could see everything inside
His gaze was like someone who is wise
Beyond the years that they abide
His death was like a fearful walk
From joy into the depths of hurt
I could actually feel my mind balk
Keeping me from giving in to the effort
It’s been sixteen years and each day
I think of his kindness, his presence
I miss him and feel like I must pay
For the overwhelming absence
I have to say that love has a way
Of making life more precious
Without my gentle giant I can say
My tears hold more potency
And I often pray
For reverence
©2014 by Regina Riddle