A little dog so scared with her tucked tail
Came to my front porch one day.
She was ragged and torn, but sharp as a nail,
And when I looked at her I could see
what a price she did pay.
What kind of abuse this poor little creature had endured.
I could never imagine and it would never happen again
I assured.
We fed her and bathed her and gave her a home.
And not once in all those years did this little dog roam.
When she first came whe would cower and hide.
If a broome or rake handle of any kind
she did abide.
We finally gained her trust as the days moved on,
And she wasn't afraid anymore of being abused and alone.
The years flew by and she grew dim in her eye,
She couldn't see very well, especially at night.
She could only fiind her way by seeing the porch light.
She got confused one night when she saw a car light.
And followed it into the road.
Now my baby Michelle is at rest in the woods
but not her final abode.
For I believe you see,
She's waiting for me.