Midnight Romance
Midnight Romance
We float, he and I, on sable sand shore
As ivory mist on morn’ horizon
Cerulean wake stretches back and fore
Porcelain skin glowing pink with wanton
I am obsessed by his ash of rose lips
Inviting me to taste his sweet desire
A passionate kiss as my soul he grips
Embracing as doth charcoal into fire
Aching with desire my crimson heart burns
He lays me on the soft absinthe grass
His obsidian eyes voice what he yearns
I succumb then as the waves gently crash
Sleep smoke clears not at all what it did seem
My midnight romance was naught but a dream
For Poetry Contest: Midnight Romance
Sponsored by: Dale Gregory Cozart
Romantic Sonnet. 14 lines. Exactly 10 syllables per line. 3 quatrains and a couplet. Rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg (iambic pentameter a plus). Must use 10 stated colors.