Midsummer Knight's Scheme
instigated by Oberon in Act 2, Scene 1,
Midsummer Night's Dream, Wm. Shakespeare
Has the son of Venus, god of love, lost his aim?
Bow’s arrow rendered useless in men’s game.
In truth, ‘twas it the moon who was to blame?
One sister escaped love’s dart, all the same.
Young girls, beware of purple flowers, once white.
Unbeknownst to you, nefarious knight
may draw flower's nectar, dab your sleeping eyes,
and as new day dawns, cajole you with lies.
Beware, indeed, lest he leave you senseless,
no longer fancy-free, but defenseless.
Yon midsummer knight’s a mere apprentice
who has much yet to learn of consensus.
written May 2, 2017
"For Fancy-Free Poetry Contest" by Julia Ward