Love Poem: Might I Sow My Seeds Amist These Crumbling Stones
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Written by: Allan Terry

Might I Sow My Seeds Amist These Crumbling Stones

o to god might 
I pray for ye
that I might marry and
 might not be alone 
might I sow my seeds 
amist these crumbling stones
god of all
might I stand before thee
to take her hand 
in wedded bliss
reap my harvest
that I have
sowest seeds
might I sow my
seeds amist these
 crumbling stones

O king of love
that restorest me
a garden in the canyon
might we be alone
us to together
might thee be my King
might I sow my seeds amist
these crumbling stones

Jesus, Jesus
I pray to thee
that I may marry
and might not be alone
Oh to God I worship thee
might I sow my seeds amist
these crumbling stones

how might I stay warm
hold fast to her
to be as one
sow my seeds
aamist these 
crumbling stones

morning break and I am there
for thee
hold fast to her
in sudelty
hold on tight
might I not be alone
to sow my seeds amist these
crumbling stones