Mind, Body, Soul
Who can resist this
The individual that now exists
The life that he leads
Makes another’s look
Like that if child’s play
His heart is as big
As the universe itself
Pulsating for the truth
And love of existence
It longs for one that may
Love the same, for it just
Wants to live again
His body is just as strong
As his love for the one
His skin glows with the glory of
The ability to give his only life
To the one in his heart.
So he waits until that
Loving day, thus making
Him not want to stray.
His mind is a field
Open and willing to grow
Letting new life show.
But his respect is only
To the ones that in the end
Will show what his true life is.
The soul is just as pour
As the heart itself
For his life is one of Gods.
A life that longs for joy
Love and happiness
Of others instead of itself.