Mind and Spirit
In mind body and spirit I feel you
Physically, your presence makes me weak
All the strength I hold so dear fades away
The thick skin I've grown peels away before you
My mind can't handle it
All it wants to do is push you away
It knows that the love I have transcends all logic, all reason
I know better, but I don't want to
I don't want this to make sense
Knowing the end to every story and the punch line to each joke bores me
You shock me
You surprise me
My spirit never knew of its incompletion
Ignorant to what was missing
Until you completed it
Its as if our souls parted at birth
Always longing to be back together
Soul mates???
You make this theory into fact
Finding you and seeing your soul was like finding a new color
Like feeling a feel that is so rare there is no word describing it
Pure ecstasy