Mirage of Love
You are like a donut with a hole
When my favorite is...
Iced with filling inside
But there is no "inside" to you
No "surprise" love for me
Waiting in the end
You are like a mirage...
You look so good
You feel so good
The sex is so good
The vision is so real that...
I forget my heart is dry
My heart's soul
Is parched and cracked
From the lack of life sustaining love
I am thirsty for...
The cool waters of love
But you can not give me that
You are like a boomerang
I send my love out....
And bam it comes right back at me
Like a failed message
No, what you give only dries me up more
You heat my body sexually on fire
My heart burns and is in pain
Like the fires of hell
I want only a taste
Of cool sweet love
To have just a little..
Would quench the
pain and agony of my heart
But instead...
Love is not what I get
I feel like Lazarus
I know what hell is like
It is real to me
And I see it clearly
Wanting love...
But being separated from it forever
If only I could repent
While there was still time...
Repent from loving the Devil's sons
Skeletal men, dry and cold
Filled with only one nice hard ..b...e
Sweet devils with no flesh
Heart or soul
Who only leave me burning for love
All the more
If only I'd repent before...
My heart burns in
Love's pit of hell
Gnashing and in pain
With no LOVE, no relief in sight