Love Poem: Misdirected
Samir Georges Avatar
Written by: Samir Georges


I’d say I love you but that could change
I’d say I hate you but that would change
I’d say a million words if only they could fix us
I’d call you beautiful
I’d call you an angel
I’d speak of your eyes like they were pearls in the deep ocean
But that would do no good
For there is not a single soul that hasn’t told you of your glory before
But I’d give you my heart
My never dying love
I’d give you my mind
I gave you my dreams
My hopes linger around your foot steps
I flinch when you hurt
I cry when you mourn
I die when you suffer
I lie by your moon as you sleep
Like a princess in waiting
I gaze at you till fatigue takes me away
Then as I dream you fill my heart
I’d give you my soul
But of no value it is to you
But I could give you my Love
I think I shall

Tonight the mirror broke
A thousand pieces lie before me
It shattered as you dropped my rose
The rose that wilted in your hand
My heart shriveled in my chest
My soul crumbled in my corpse
My tears echoed for ages as you went to another
You have stolen my heart, my mind, my dreams
Wasted my words, my time
You have misdirected the glow of the moon so that its beauty was lost to me
Now you leave and the world heaves a sigh
"Rest now" says the moon
"For tomorrow you shall meet the sun"

© Samir Georges