Love Poem: Misplaced in the mist of misery
Silent  One Avatar
Written by: Silent One

Misplaced in the mist of misery

Why do you show me
such treasure,
only to deprive me.

When you are gone,
smoke fills the air,
I'm misplaced in 
the mist of misery,
w a n d e r i n g 
helplessly lost,
masking melancholic 

Parasite winds 
bring little respite.
If only they would 
whisper my
mute messages,
blowing tepidly 
into your heart -
then maybe you 
would gift me one 
more glimpse.

Then like the 
majestic sun would
you re-appear?
Embracing me with 
passion and desire,
so my heart smiles 
like the crescent moon,
till darkness comes, 
veiling your light

and then
you disappear (again),
leaving me 
misplaced in 
the mist of misery.