Missed Time
It is friendship not courtship, oh no! Who made this?
Mteww(sigh) common, let make this a memory.
I know all days are memories, but with fantasy, ouch! Can I say, I may but I won't,
Stop painting your mind with ugly thoughts, I am but a friend, yes, I know.
You can't leave a friend on heat while you rest and eat,
I know you can't, remember those parlor games? I know you do, it's lasting memory can we make this day another?
Which season was it? I hope it wasn't winter, if it is, I will send a picture without filter.
I know you wish to see but it is hamattan period; everywhere is dust, my camera can't come close.
Please can we be more than friends? At least for today, I know we were but now you are taken;
I messed the whole story, right? It's still time or has it been missed?
I might be desperate but I know you, too are.
You're scared and too afraid to leave and come back but know fate never lies.