Missing Mom
(Just my 3rd submission. Don't worry, I won't number everyone of them! Just so that readers are aware that I am new to writing, and more so submitting.)
(( I lost my Mom on July 4th 2010. It was pretty tough on me, honestly. Still tough now, and her passing date was this month. Kinda made it a day unable to forget. My first 3 writings are of death. I'm certainly not all about death, but sad things get to me, and then I tend to find myself wallowing in it, playing music to it, and sometimes writing ))
Rose into the sunset
my everything, my Mom
making sure I'm safe,
happy, loved and calm
thankless job of a Mom
She's now an angel
and watches me from above
I can sense her presence
I can still feel the love
Mom had four of us
but never made a fuss
she loved each one of us
She wanted her freedom
from all the suffering and pain
I so wanted her to stay
but for my own gain
I let her go that day
wasn't easy but she couldn't stay
too much pain, much too tired
to be pain free is all she desired
Time to go she said goodbye
all I could do was cry and cry
It was the fourth of July
her pain about to end
she chose this day for freedom
off she went to ascend
her time on earth came to an end
Do not cry the preacher told me
for it was her time
the Lord called upon her
no more mountains to climb
So she smiles from above
like a gentle dove
watches over me
with all a mother's love
-James R. Lutz