Missing Piece
I love you and your never going to realize that
You will never realize how much this hurts
Or how much I miss talking to you
You will never realize that I feel like a piece of me is gone.
You won’t care that I want my mother
And you won’t care that through everything
No matter what
I will always love you
It doesn’t matter how I feel about you
Because you will never feel that way about me.
And even through time
I can honestly say
That pain will still be there
I will never get over it
And I will always hurt
And time won’t make it better
I will always cry and wish you were here
But it won’t matter
I will never be good enough
Or do the right thing in your eyes
I wish I could live up to your expectations
But I fear I never will
And I want you to know
As long as your gone
A piece of me has died and I’m empty inside
Where you held that place
I know it won’t matter
But all the same I want you to know.