Missing What We Use To Have Loving Matty Forever
This feeling overwhelms me.
I'm unsure what to do.
The more I try to fix things,
The clearer it becomes....
I cannot make it better.
I can't change the past.
I cannot make you love me,
And yet I can't turn my back.
I lay here feeling unattractive, unwanted, And unloved;
but my feelings don't seem
to matter because you lay with your back turned.
This hurt is like no other,
I've ever felt before.
When your heart literally feels it breaking, and it's caused by someone you truly love.
The pain is so unbearable,
It crushes your soul.
I don't want to be put last.
I want to be your world.
I want to feel important,
And not like a chore.
Let things go back to the way they use to be,When we were so in love.
When we held hands everywhere we went, and wasn't afraid to show our love.
When kisses made my knees go weak,
And butterfly's in my stomach fluttered around.
When just to be near you,
Made me feel so aroused.
When we hugged bye before work and the smell of your cologne was so irresistible I wouldn't let you go.
When you made me feel you wanted me With every glance that came my way.
When you text me to say you love me, Or just to say hi!
When you made me feel special,
And so wildly in love.
These are the things I want back, and
I need to keep us strong.
I need to feel important, wanted, and loved!!
I feel this relationship is falling apart quickly.
I'm trying to fix it,
but I cannot do so alone.
Don't you miss what we use to have?
How well we got along.
The way we made each other feel,
The excitement in every moment especially when alone.
To feel someone always has your back, And will be there to support you no matter what.
To feel you're with your best friend,
And no one can tear you apart.
Those are the feelings I need in my life. The little things that made me feel so loved.That made me love you so much!
I just want to feel you really care,
Enough to change your ways.
And be the man I use to have,
The one who made me his life,
The man I love!!