Mistakes In Myriad
A bonfire of guilt burns.
A tunnel of thoughts dismayed.
A timeline of wasted moments alive.
A lava of regret fulminates
in a sea of scrutiny, all flood and drown.
Some bad grades in a long forgotten test
An unwashed stain still causing pain.
The little slip ups of minor blunders
Messed up faux pas countless numbers.
All that reaps is not all that you sow
lessons packed within,
with every mistake I grow
Standing in their shoes...so well now I know.
Secrets stashed within dusty cupboard
hidden silhouettes never discovered
all overcomed by time, my mistakes in myriad.
Yes,..in my long list of myriad mistakes
There's only one that I will never overcome
The twinkle in your eyes...
that I mistook as love.
My fate still shines
in your two mistaken stars.
7th September 2019
Sponsor Chantelle Anne Cooke
Contest Name Overcoming Mistakes