Mister Cue Ball Man
Just noticed for the very first time
My hair line is definitely receding
My crowning glory, my silvery dome
My time here is short I'm conceding
If I ever wind up as Mr. Cue Ball Man
It'll be time to close up shop
Basically it'll be over, over and done
No incentive without my silvery crop
May sound vain, a wee bit conceded
But with this mug that I possess
Really need these charming adornments
Need all the help I can get
To impress the ladies, my hair was it
Running fingers through my silvery locks
They murmured tender sweet love words
Offering me all that they've got
Dream on dear fellow, you sound delusional
It's the total package that's the thing
With or without your silvery locks
As long as you've still got that zing
© Jack Ellison 2013