Love Poem: Mister Lincoln
Connie Marcum Wong Avatar
Written by: Connie Marcum Wong

Mister Lincoln

Mister Lincoln

Mister Lincoln rose
your perfumed romantic scent 
proves his love for me—
for thirty years you have grown 
abundantly you still bloom


Bite Size Poem no49 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier 

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue - a Valentine Challenge in one of five ways Poetry Contest~4Place~ I was off by a syllable 
Sponsor Andrea Dietrich

5. Finally, you may create a Tanka that uses either the word "roses'  or 'violets" in line one of your ONE tanka. See rules for Tanka and what makes a good one.This could be serious or romantic, and i don't mind if you do the moidern way using fewer than 31 syllables in the total.five lines. 57577