Mlg Pro
Where I got the name Holy06 does not matter but the origin of name is signification
I have experience online game play maybe a few times but I must say when I join
MLG PRO It was pros that already claim me in there clans “The Ghost Was Here”
See each console has a generation live span see when you get older you have responsibility
But who would not want to be around when the global tournament is in Japan happens
Where they are build a Billion dollar tournament I hear that is a tournament already build
In France Bigger then the Super Bowl our culture is different in America
One time we had a discussion on MLG PRO that PC or Console game it last it the entire
NCAA College basketball tournament game I watch and now University is think about
Video game as a scholarship
The question is why do gamers get into it about names that is to answer the originally question
But theory has it if you can do it in a video game you can do it in real life that is
Killer Instinct or know
As the Warrior G and if not true why is the military butting training mix in with video games in
There Institution
Holy06 Next Level Gamer!