Love Poem: Moaning Out Meaning
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Moaning Out Meaning

The meing
and mining
and mowing
and moaning
and meaning
and moatedness of life
could not be so different
for girls and boys,

She and he and s/he speaking indifferent
hearing purpose

Enlightening wealthy spirit mess
empowering healthy nature nest,
polyculturing Earth's most profoundly beautiful
and resiliently truthful
nonviolent EarthPeace future
eco-brightening health investiture

And sacred inspiring safety
for all EarthTribe expiring duty
regenerating mature
degenerating immature
fighting and peacing together 
integrity's great green 
transpositional culture.

Future meaningful prediction
depicting past prehistoric light
and indigenous power
and energetic meaning redaction

Of Heavenly boys and Earthly girls,
surfing oceans and organic lands,
raining waters in fertile soil
expiring seeds and inspiring eggs
of bicameral toil

Consciousness of EarthTribe's meing
moaning for more cooperatively resilient
compassionate post-sacred meaning
no longer against secular purpose

Contextually integral
polypathic sensory synergy,
multiculturally cerebral being
polymathic energy we-ing
in me-ing
and down mowing
and out mining
and deep moaning
and wide meaning 
of love's co-passioning potential.