Love Poem: Modern Love
Emilie Angel Avatar
Written by: Emilie Angel

Modern Love

“I’m scared to love you, please don’t hurt me”
New and exciting
Two hearts longing for one another 
Hips colliding 
Every laugh, every kiss, every hug

“You’re the only one I want, forever”
My heart is now two 
The other half was in you
Forever we said 
No matter where no matter what
600 miles was never too much

“The label is too much for me”
Where have we gone
I want you 
But do you want me
I’m with you 
But still so lonely
One crack in my heart

“I shouldn’t have taken you for granted, I love you always”
My heart skips a beat
I love you 
I need you 
You're the air i breathe 
I’m young my heart will heal 
Just don’t leave

“I swear I didn’t cheat, please don’t leave”
One video
Another girl
My hearts on the floor 
This is how it feels
What did I do?
Don’t do it again 
I still need you
You betrayed me
I can’t leave you

“Jesus calm down, you’re overreacting”
Why can’t i feel
Why won’t you hear me
Is the mic not on
What did i do? 
I feel
I feel 
But you don’t see
To you im just crazy

“You stress me out, leave me alone”
Crying on the floor
The air isnt working 
Why can’t I breathe?
My hearts tight 
Ring ring
Ring ring 
I need you
Im dying please save me 
I need you to love me again

“I want to be with you”
The hook is so deep in my cheek
Let me go
I can’t breathe
What will life be like without you?
When was the last time I didn’t cry?
Oh but i need you
You complete me
Why does someone who loves me,
Hurt me?

“I can’t promise you anything”
When did you stop loving me?