Moments In Time
How it felt... Amazing.
Kisses down my collerbone.
Shivers from my eye lids to my toes.
Each moment I was savoring.
The littles passion marks you left
to be remembered when made your exit.
The way my lips felt against yours.
So much desire, passion, chemistry, and want.
The way you admired me, everybody part
as if I was a magnificent painting.
The lights off, the lights on. It didn't matter.
The things you said, the way you put in end
to my fantasies and brought them to life.
We simply didn't care, bed, floor, unpumped air bed.
Anything would do. That night our hearts collided
even though you said it shouldn't, it couldn't.
Thankfully we landed safely and there was no bloodshed.
We could have gone all night but of course time ran out.
How many times I replayed that image in my mind
I've lost count. Life isn't a game, its simply a mystery to be found out.
And it's these moments in time that are what life are really about...