Love Poem: Moments of Reflection
Vandy Saylors Avatar
Written by: Vandy Saylors

Moments of Reflection

Creeping along with a monotonous drone
Days to weeks to months to years
The world has changed
Moved on

Alone I stand in my familiar agony
Here to stay to wait for you
My world holds fast
Standing still

Their constant ringing emptier by the day
They taunt and tease and call to me
My hands wont stop
Quivering, trembling

You were mine once
The lone oasis of love and comfort
Amidst the deserts of my discontent
The lush and vibrant paradise
Among the barren wastelands of my solitude
Now you are gone

My hopes and dreams bashed upon the shores of rejection
Splintered like the oaken hulls of ancient vessels
My peace and love consumed in volcanic fury
Spewed forth in fiery blasts of anger and mistrust

I have made mine now I must lie in it
A place to rest to sleep to love
To dream 