Love Poem: Momma
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Written by: Trevor Pitts


Hey Momma you told me while I cruise these streets you cant sleep 
Home by Midnight or your in it deep.. 
It makes me feel young like I don’t have a choice… 
Feels like the only thing I have to listen to is your voice.. 
Your love is strong and has never lacked 
You taught me right from wrong and how to act
Seventeen years and the love is still there
Even when some of the things I do to you are not fair 
Blood pressure to the roof all because of me 
It’s not out of disrespect just wish you could see 
Cruising the town hanging around 
That’s the only time my heart is sound 
I love that you care, It makes me proud 
Glad to see there are moms like you around 
Always know you’ve raised the best in me 
Learn to trust and the rest will be 
Upto me 
I have your blood You shouldn’t need to worry 
Im a good boy just sometimes a little blurry 
But your always there 
Even in the coldest air
That’s why I have nothing to Fear. 
Im just like you mom..Look in the Mirror.