Love Poem: Mommy I Love You
Marcedies Rhodes Avatar
Written by: Marcedies Rhodes

Mommy I Love You

Mommy I love you

You should know how much I love you.You who gave birth to me,you who says I love you when i need to cry,you who help me the most through all my dramas,I love you so much momma.This day and all the other you put up with all the chaos's I bring I am so happy to call you my mom.Every person who looks at you know what a great job you did and how you raised me and my brother and sister I can only thank God that you are my mom.I know this might be late or even overdo but you know I can only hold you for so long even if I don't seem happy if I look like I'm going to cry never once think it was your fault cause you know what I love you so much.There was once a time I was so sick i couldn't stand but in only a week you healed me with your love and hugs thank you ever so much mommy.Even if I get to old to sit in your lap.even if I get to old to call you mommy and run into your arms,even if I am to old to say mommy take me to school,you should know your the only women in my life that accepts me for me.This child you gave birth to,the only person who can give my dreams a rest and will wait till I am once again open and wearing my heart out on my arm,You the women who put up with this child who was ever bad.Mommy I love you so much even if it over do your the only person who I can ever call mommy and jump into your arms.