Love Poem: Mona Lisa's Smile
Jan Allison Avatar
Written by: Jan Allison

Mona Lisa's Smile

La Gioconda or Mona Lisa is the name I’m called When our eyes meet I know you’ll be enthralled I sit here so serenely in my gorgeous gilded frame People flock to see me, they love to say my name Mona Lisa, people coo as they look at my lovely smile I gaze back intently, my sweet smile it does beguile My Parisian home’s been the Louvre for many years One glimpse of my face can move my visitors to tears I used to worry that I’d get bored hanging high upon the wall But with a constant stream of admirers I don’t get bored at all Painting Chosen - The Mona Lisa By Leonardo Da Vinci Contest: Within a Gilded Frame Sponsored by Broken Wings 05~08~16