Love Poem: Monologue of Misery
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Written by: Cole Lee

Monologue of Misery

Why can’t my heart understand?
You made it extraordinarily clear
that you won’t change your mind
But the pain, it’s subtle
ripping me slowly in two
like a knife from the inside
of my core, cutting outwards

Your eyes saw what I did
Your heart felt what I did
That I 'chose' her over you
but the truth of the matter is
I felt as if I already lost you 
and I was about to lose her too

What was I supposed to do?
I’ve never put myself out there like I did
My heart never destroyed the way it was
All I could do was cope,
a soulless blunder of euphoria 
to keep myself afloat
Atop the ocean of despair 

Yet here I am,
the waves much larger now
slapping down, I choke on its water,
unable to breathe once again 
The smallest amount of hope
of course still remains,
but you made it very clear
you won’t be the second choice

I get it, you destroyed my heart.
I held on hope, then gave up.
Latched on to someone else.
You came back, full swing
suplexing the pieces of my heart
that we’re still available 
You did a wonderful job
the pieces now but dust

I made the choice 
that life support
instructed me to take,
but I took an extra step
of latching on to something new
helped me forget
The necrosis in my heart

And yet
Deep within my soul I knew
I had made the wrong choices
And all I could do in response
was more and more chemicals

Picking up the pieces
of my dying heart
I realized what I known
from the start

I wont stop loving you,
not till my dying breath
When i go to hell, my punishment 
will be to relive these damning choices
I ended up doing

Does that sound like 
second choice to you?
To me I had no choice at all
what was unresolved conflict
something I had to solve

But as I found myself,
it seems I also lost myself
Because now what seems like
no choice at all,
was really a battle for my soul